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Measurement of Pelvis and Torso Angle


Angles of important edges on ES-2


The figure above shows the model in an upright position. The sacrum block and the spine box are rotated according to a 3D measurement of the fully assembled model.

There are different ways to measure the pelvis and torso angle in the hardware model. 

Angle Device Angle in upright position
Pelvis angle Tilt sensor
H-Point device
6.5 degree
0.0 degree
Torso angle Tilt sensor
Measure at back plate
5.0 degree
0.0 degree


In the software model, the following parts should be used to identify the pelvis and torso angle. 

Angle Part Angle in upright position
Pelvis angle Between PID 233 and 234 0.0 degree
Torso angle Measure at back plate PID 55 0.0 degree