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Rib Accelerations

The WorldSID 50th model is equipped with twelve rib accelerometers. On each single rib, one accelerometer is mounted on the impact side and one on the opposite side.

Rib acceleration

Cut through upper torso and position of rib accelerometer nodes

The nodal results are printed in the NODOUT file in the local coordinate systems of the accelerometers. On the impact side (left hand side for the left handed driver model) the nodes are: 

Item Node ID Label Component
Shoulder Rib 10010 SHRILE00WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
1.Thorax Rib 10011 TRRILE01WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
2.Thorax Rib 10012 TRRILE02WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
3.Thorax Rib 10013 TRRILE03WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
1.Abdomen Rib 10014 ABRILE01WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
2.Abdomen Rib 10015 ABRILE02WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations

On the reverse side of impact (right hand side for the left handed driver model) the accelerometer nodes are:

Item Node ID Label Component
Shoulder Rib 10020 SHRIRI00WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
1.Thorax Rib 10021 TRRIRI01WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
2.Thorax Rib 10022 TRRIRI02WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
3.Thorax Rib 10023 TRRIRI03WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
1.Abdomen Rib 10024 ABRIRI01WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations
2.Abdomen Rib 10025 ABRIRI02WSAC Local x-, y-,z-accelerations