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Spine Accelerations

Spine acceleration

T1, T4 and T12 accelerometer nodes

The figure above depicts the points, each point has two nodes which are used as output nodes in the NODOUT file for T1, T4 and T12 accelerations. For each first node, an accelerometer with the local directions is defined, each second node is for global accelerations.

Item Node ID Label Component
T1 10002 THSP0100WSAC Local x-, y-, z- accelerations
T1 global 10139 THSP01GBWSAC Global x-, y-, z-accelerations
T4 10003 THSP0400WSAC Local x-, y-, z- accelerations
T4 global 10140 THSP04GBWSAC Global x-, y-, z-accelerations
T12 10004 THSP1200WSAC Local x-, y-, z- accelerations 
T12 global 10141 THSP12GBWSAC Global x-, y- , z-accelerations