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Rib Rotations

The rib z-rotations are measured by discrete elements for both LHD and RHD.




Item Discrete-ID Label Available components
Shoulder rib LHD 10050 SHRILE00WSANZ z-rotation
1. Thorax rib LHD 10051 TRRILE01WSANZ z-rotation
2. Thorax rib LHD 10052 TRRILE02WSANZ z-rotation
3. Thorax rib LHD 10053 TRRILE03WSANZ z-rotation
1. Abdomen rib LHD 10054 ABRILE01WSANZ z-rotation
2. Abdomen rib LHD 10055 ABRILE02WSANZ z-rotation
Shoulder rib RHD 10320 SHRIRI00WSANZ z-rotation
1. Thorax rib RHD 10321 TRRIRI01WSANZ z-rotation
2. Thorax rib RHD 10322 TRRIRI02WSANZ z-rotation
3. Thorax rib RHD 10323 TRRIRI03WSANZ z-rotation
1. Abdomen rib RHD 10324 ABRIRI01WSANZ z-rotation
2. Abdomen rib RHD 10325 ABRIRI02WSANZ z-rotation


Since Version 6.0 there is additional rib x-rotation measurement in worldSID 50th model: Discrete elements are used to measure the X-Rotation of the Ribs. For LHD:




Item Discrete-ID Label Available components
Shoulder rib LHD 10081 SHRILE00WSANX x-rotation
1. Thorax rib LHD 10082 TRRILE01WSANX x-rotation
2. Thorax rib LHD 10083 TRRILE02WSANX x-rotation
3. Thorax rib LHD 10084 TRRILE03WSANX x-rotation
1. Abdomen rib LHD 10085 ABRILE01WSANX x-rotation
2. Abdomen rib LHD 10086 ABRILE02WSANX x-rotation


 and for RHD:




Item Discrete-ID Label Available components
Shoulder rib RHD 10330 SHRIRI00WSANX x-rotation
1. Thorax rib RHD 10331 TRRIRI01WSANX x-rotation
2. Thorax rib RHD 10332 TRRIRI02WSANX x-rotation
3. Thorax rib RHD 10333 TRRIRI03WSANX x-rotation
1. Abdomen rib RHD 10334 ABRIRI01WSANX x-rotation
2. Abdomen rib RHD 10335 ABRIRI02WSANX x-rotation