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General Information

This model has been developed by DYNAmore with a consortium of members of the FAT (German Association for Automotive Research). The group is lead by Volkswagen. Experienced engineers from Audi, BMW, Daimler, Opel, Porsche, Karmann, Hammerstein, JohnsonControls, and Keiper contributed by proposing tests, discussing results and defining QA procedures.


The development and validation has been performed on different platforms. The following LS-DYNA versions have been used:           
LS-DYNA Version Revision Nr. SVN Version
R9.3 143600 143600
R9.3 618-gee79cb9 -
R11 3432-g39eef2f6a9 -
R12 2791-gfdd0b74962 -


With the version 4.0.1 of the BioRID-2 model, the following keyword files are delivered.

Biorid-2_version_4.0.1_mm_ms_kg.key Dummy model, the name may vary depending on the unit system
BioRID-2_v4.0.X_all_units_load_curves_work.key Work file used for pre-processing instead of license file.
The file name might vary depending on the system of units
positioning_BioRid-2_4.X_mm_ms_kg.key Parameterized file to:

  • move whole dummy
  • rotate upper legs
  • move/rotate head relative to T1 vertebrae


The numbering scheme of the original model is shown below. On demand we deliver renumbered input decks, according to user specifications.
Component Min ID Max ID Total number
Nodes 10000 296883 277341
Solids 310000 527414 217415
Beams 10000 158254 8198
Shells 160001 287668 127668
Dicretes 10500 10501 2
Time history nodes 10000 10007 7
Time history beams 10000 150015 20
Materials 1001 1162 63
Sections 1001 1158 51
Hourglass 1001 1007 7
Load curves / tables 1000 1215 110
Parts 1 547 473
Joints 1000 1033 20
General joint stiffness 1000 1370 63
Local coordinate systems 1001 1139 122
Accelerometers 1001 1007 7
Set Parts 1001 1515 36
Contact 1001 1015 12