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Pelvis Tests


Pelvis test setup


Due to some changes in the hardware of the BioRID pelvis flesh, new component tests on the pelvis flesh are performed. The tested pelvis components are using new material adjustments of the BioRID2. Two different pelvis flesh components are
used for testing.
The test is performed as shown in the picture above. For the target point of the pendulum, three different heights and two different velocities are used.


Pelvis test carried out at different heights

In version 3.0, 3.1, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9 of the BioRID no changes have been made to the Pelvis. Thus the results of the version 2.5 are the same as that of version 3.9.


Results of BioRID2 pelvis test - all heights, low velocity



Results of BioRID2 pelvis test - all heights, medium velocity



Results of BioRID2 pelvis test - all heights, high velocity
