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v1.5 to v2.0

  • The rubber bumpers in the spine now use the MAT 181 (*MAT_SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER) in conjunction with the *INITIAL_FOAM_REFERENCE_GEOMETRY. This is the reason, that the BioRID can only be used with the following LS-DYNA releases:
    • For 970 you have to use: 970.6763.2.361 from the 04/25/2006 or newer
    • For971R2 (R2 means all 971.7600 versions): 971.7600.2.525 from 07/10/2006 or newer
    • For971R3 (R3 means all 971 versions > 971.7600): 971.9080 or newer than 07/09/2006.


If another LS-DYNA version is used, the BioRID model will not terminate with an error but the results of the simulation will be wrong. Please contact your local LS-DYNA distributor to get the right LS-DYNA version.


  • At the back of the dummy, the torso flesh is opened. 
  • The Teflon plate in the back of the torso flesh is modeled on contact. It is only plugged in beadings on both sides in the torso flesh.
  • Friction tests, between different parts in the dummy model, initiated by the FAT working group are included.
  • The geometry of the T1 vertebra is modified. It is now more accurate and the lateral strain of the bumpers on T1 is now hindered more realistically.
  • A second accelerometer is defined on the T1 vertebra on the right hand side.
  • The BioRID2 calibration test is now fulfilled.
  • The gaps of the upper arms are closed by the use of contact shells to get a more stable contact to the seat.
  • A small Script is offered which can be used to repair the Seatbelt Elements after a full deformed positioning simulation.