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v2.5 to v3.0

The following major modifications have been made:

  • The complete torso flesh assembly has been discretized by a new mesh. The mesh is now finer in order to capture geometric details in a more accurate way.



New torso mesh


  • Internal parts of the torso mesh have been remeshed as well. The connection plates of the arm joints now consist of solid elements. As shown below the geometry of the water cavity is now considerably more accurate.


New mesh of the water cavity


  • The mass distribution of the head assembly is adjusted by introducing two additional weight parts.


New skull with additional weight parts


  • The distance between the H-Point and the H-Point mounting hole has been adjusted to a z-height of 2.57’’ (65.28mm) to fit the specifications of the hardware manual.
  • There are several minor validation tweaks in the spine and torso to fit the guided sled certification test.
  • The v3.0 model provides a parameter for adjusting the joint friction of the lower and upper extremities.
  • Furthermore there is a parameter for switching on/off the dynamic relaxation.
  • Parameters for defining pre-tension of the front and rear spine springs have been defined.