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License File and Usage

The ES-2 v9.0 is distributed with a license file which uses an expiry date. The license file is sent to the user with the whole dummy package.
In the license file, all load curves are encrypted. There are parameters defined which can be used to offset the numbering of the load curves. The load curves can be scaled by using parameters which are encrypted in the normal ES-2 input. The names of the parameters refer to the table or load curve ID of each material. So if the values of the table ID 1002 are to be scaled then the parameter s1002 must be used.
The principle structure is as follows:
Input data in the ES-2  license file:

$ Load Curve offset
I  lcoff           0
$ Load Curve scale values
R  sTABID         1.0 
I   lcTABID    TABID + &lcoff 
R  eTABID    1.0 * &sTABID
Input of the license file:
&lcTABID           0       1.0&eTABID            0.0        0.0
          <Values_x>          <Values_y>

The encrypted curve file has to be included in the dummy model main file AFTER the parameter block.

For the work in a pre-processor, an additional file is delivered:


This work file includes the same input as the encrypted curve file. The only difference is the scaling of the load curves in the work file. The load curves are scaled randomly in a wrong range and they are much too soft to be used for a LS-DYNA simulation. But the file can be used to observe the quality and shape of the material curves.

A LS-DYNA simulation in use of the work file will give wrong results and is very unstable.

For more information about our licensing scheme please read also our flyer Dummy_Model_licensing_faq_x.x.pdf which is delivered with the needed vendor license.