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Material Tests

Material tests on all major foams and rubber like materials have been performed. The specimens were taken from blocks provided by Denton COE in Heidelberg. The blocks are depicted below.

 Material Tests 


The following materials were tested:

  • Pelvis foam
  • Upper arm foam
  • Upper leg foam
  • Lower leg foam
  • Yellow urethane bumper
  • Black urethane bumper
  • Vinyl (Skin)
  • Silicone (Thorax flesh)


The tests were adapted to derive material data for *MAT_FU_CHANG_FOAM and *MAT_SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER. Hence, the emphasis was on static and dynamic tension and compression tests. For the rubber like materials, the compression tests were also performed with a lateral obstructed expansion. The used strain rates were:

Test Type Strain rate
Lateral expansion
 1 Tension 0.001 1/s(static) free
 2 Tension 0.1 1/s free
 3 Tension 10 1/s free
 4 Tension 100 1/s free
 5 Tension 500 1/s free
 6 Compression 0.001 1/s(static) obstructed
 7 Compression 0.001 1/s(static) free
 8 Compression 0.1 1/s free
 9 Compression 10 1/s free
 10 Compression 100 1/s free
 11 Compression 500 1/s free